Title: Deciphering pathways in the syndromic keratodermas: insights into oesophageal cancer
Date: Thursday 11 May 2023
Time: 15.55-16.25 JPN
Rudi Cormane Lecture
My research largely focuses on the molecular mechanisms underlying inherited non-syndromic and syndromic skin disease including in the palmoplantar keratodermas and the ichthyoses. This has led to key scientific findings not only in skin biology but in hearing loss, cardiomyopathy and oesophageal cancer. These cross-clinical disciplinary human studies are providing novel insights into disease and their underlying cellular mechanisms. In addition to human biopsy material, we have developed model systems to provide new biology and insights into disease of the naturally stressed palm/sole skin, the heart and the oesophagus.
I am based within the Blizard Institute in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at Queen Mary University of London (https://www.qmul.ac.uk/blizard/all-staff/profiles/david-kelsell.html). I was awarded the Chanel-CERIES award research award in 2016, ESPD Schnyder Memorial Prize Lecture in 2018 plus past President (2018-2019; first non-clinical president) of the European Society of Dermatological Research.